Saturday, May 22, 2010

Smile - Great asset to "Service"

One morning (3 months ago), I walked in to the Amul tuck shop (at my office cafe) to have some snacks, I was hungry and did not have breakfast that morning. I found the lady at the shop facing otherway around and doing some work, I waited for some time (1 min) and decided to interrupt her; instead of saying “hello” or “excuse me”, I said “Good morning Madam”, she turned around and I could see a shock (expression of why is this person wishing me) in her face and said “what do you want Sir”. It is a simple thing to wish someone Good morning and why it should be a surprise for her, if I think back, are we only interacting with people at same “levels” or it is the feeling of not required of not bothering to wish people like security, auto driver, etc

Whenever I visit the shop later, she started wishing me with a smile. Smile is a great asset for “Customer Service”.
I am sure all your would have many experience like this (as a receipnt of Service or provider of Service)
Do you want to share your comments and experience with the bloggers…


  1. Dear Mr Durai
    You have demonstrated your 'soft-skill'in a simplest form,but in a great way.More than knowledge,it is the application of such knowledge are vital,which is rare in the fast world.Kudos to your wisdom and action.

  2. Duraivel,

    This is arak here. I lost your contact info in a system crash. Can you please send me a mail to raja.arun at gmail.



  3. Guess the lady thought you were yet another sweet talking salesman ;)
